The official website of AJ Simmons
Before you quit your job to become self-employed, you must understand the difference between self-employment and being a business owner. In the video below, I give a quick, simple example of how being self-employed could hold you back from obtaining your dreams!
My account was terminated due to several copyright strikes filed against some of my older videos. I was fighting a lot of the strikes and some were removed. Apparently, I wasn't fighting hard enough. Now, I am trying to figure out if I want to fight to retrieve the channel or just create a new one. Please check back here for updates and follow me on all of my social media. I just deleted my Facebook this morning (7/12/16) before I even realized that my youtube account was terminated. I deleted my Facebook because I was getting to caught up in my local politics and it was becoming too time consuming. Please stay with me and fight through this. Thank you for your loyalty and support during this difficult time.
Instagram: @AjSimmonsOnline
Twitter: @AjSimmonsOnline
Snapchat: AjRichAlready16
This book reveals everything from fees you can expect to encounter with a commercial cleaning franchise, to how to run your current franchise if you've already purchased a franchise. This is a MUST READ for anyone looking to get into, or anyone currently in the industry.
Also subscribe to my YouTube channel for more information about commercial cleaning franchises.
Commercial cleaning franchises have received a lot of scrutiny from it's franchisees in the past. The question is, why? This video below gives a great unbiased review about the opportunity. YOU MUST HEAR THIS BEFORE YOU INVEST IN JAN-PRO, JANI-KING, COVERALL, JANITIZE, VANGUARD, ANAGO, or any of the other commercial cleaning franchise companies.
I was dead. The illuminati killed me and I died. Seriously, it was around fall 2010 right after I sold my 1st cleaning business and my 1st barbershop went out of business. I started spending more time around my childhood friends, my business protege and very close friend went back to jail, and I was broke as a joke with a daughter in the womb. I hated the world and I wanted to blame the world for my failed business ventures. That's when I found the illuminati videos on YouTube. I spent all of my free time focusing on the illuminati, nwo, and any other conspiracies that I could find and they killed me. I was dead for a whole year. I went to work, had a beer for lunch, went back to work, and had more beer after that.
Fast forward to summer, 2011. I started to realize that this couldn't be life. I knew that I was interested in finding the meaning of life, but I would never have any time actually study it with a job, a wife, and kids to tend to. I needed to figure out how to make my money work for me. So, in looking for ways to make that happen, I was reintroduced to Rich Dad Poor Dad. That book, in conjunction with my new well-paying job, and a small family, rehabilitated my mindset.
Now, fast forward to today in fall 2014. I've graduated from Rich Dad Poor Dad to Think and Grow Rich (thanks to my brother Michael who's incarcerated), from Think and Grow Rich to The Secret (Law of Attraction), and from the secret to positive thinking and Earl Nightingale's Strangest Secret Ever. It's amazing because now that I live by these new principles, I'm suddenly excited about life again. I used to have this feeling back in 08/09 before I started my first business and Gina and I lived in our 1st place. I remember talking her to death in bed every night about how I hated going to sleep because it was so much to be done.
That was a man who was alive. That man is now reincarnated. I am up right now because I'm too excited to go to sleep. I posted something motivational on YouTube and Instagram, I sent out some business emails, I planned my day for tomorrow, and now I'm up because I'm too excited to go to sleep (hence why I'm updating a blog that I haven't written on for a while, and I don't even believe anyone will read)! So with it being 11:30pm on a Sunday night, a job to get up for at 5:45am, a building to clean directly after, followed by an investment club meeting, and ending with 2 kids chasing me around the house, and I still don't want to sleep, I think it's safe to say that I'm back. Not only back, but I am reincarnated.
My Lefcoe family and I took a little field trip to our state's capitol today. I learned a lot today and I am truly blessed to be apart of this experience. The lesson learned today is positive thinking and the law of attraction really does work, because I can personally attest to it. Anyway, I'll preach at another time. Enjoy the pictures.
The 2014 class of the Lefcoe Leadership Program has just launched it's plan to build a new playground for the Ida Barbour Early Learning Center in Portsmouth. All of the members from the Lefcoe class have committed to monetary donations but, we can't do it alone! If you are able to donate any amount of money to assist us in the funding of this project, please contact AJ Simmons at 757-401-5545. You can also donate online by clicking here . Donations are tax deductible.
Our community has to take care of itself and we definitely have to take care of our children. Thank you for your support and your effort.
BowserFam Productions
Inexpensive Investment Ideas
If you're like me, you're always trying to come up with ways to come-up (make more money without performing any real physical labor). So, I decided I can share a couple of ideas that I came up with. Some of these are ideas I use, used, or plan to use; while others, I don't care to do myself but are still good. Each idea that I present will take some research and effort to be successful.
1.) Rental Properties - if you have decent credit and a couple grand to invest, there no excuse for not hopping on a rental property.
2.) Commercial Cleaning Franchise - Any franchise could probably work, but I say commercial cleaning franchises in particular because that's how I started. You'll see plenty of blogs and things online about how cleaning franchises are ripoffs, but I know personally they are legitimate businesses.
3.) Stocks - This is a very broad topic. You could get paid dividends quarterly, re-invest dividends, or try to play the buy and sell game.
4.) Blogs/Youtube/Websites etc. - With websites and blogs you can earn money renting ad space but the most common way to make money is the companies like Adsense that pay you when someone clicks an add on your site. Youtube has a similar incentive and also has a program that pays you for video views.
5.) Flipping Cars - Simply put, you can buy a decent car at a low price from an auction or private seller, fix it up, and try and sell the car for two or three times as much as you paid for it.
6.) Vending Machines - Get a membership at a wholesale club (i.e. BJ's, Sam's Club), rack up on snacks and drinks, and collect the money. A friend of mine brings in about $500 a month off of one vending machine, so imagine having five of them.
7.) Ice Cream Truck - Same idea as the vending machine. A good idea would be to park at a factory or other heavy employed place during their lunches and breaks to earn more money.
8.) Flea Market Retail - Again, same idea but, assumably with bigger products like clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc.
9.) Paper Route Business Owner - You could get multiple big paper routes and sub-contract them out. To ensure that your sub-contractors aren't slacking, you could randomly check behind them and call your customers to follow up on the service.
10.) MLMs - Finally, Multi-level Marketing (or MLM) companies could work for you. Some people call them scams, some people say they aren't, I say it's only one way to really find out. I know one guy did it, he said he liked it, but he isn't doing it anymore so... I'm thinking he just doesn't want to admit it's a waste because he tried to get me to join before, but you never know.
Wind Energy May Be The Future
The Obamacare Deception
Now, reading is fundamental, but videos are better, so I found a few videos that explain the facts about the Affordable Care Act. Hopefully after viewing this blog, you will have a better understanding, and be able to form a non-biased opinion on this issue... or the lack there of. This video is 2 years old, but it still gives you core of the law. I don't agree with all of his opinions, but it's one of the fairest videos I could find.
One thing that most people in opposition to the law like to dwell on is the fee that will be charged to those who are uninsured. Well, I know that on the Virginia we have a $500 fee for those who don't have auto insurance and I don't here too many people complain about that. And I'd like to think health insurance is more important than auto insurance. Right? Plus the law expands Medicaid for the poor and has a lot of other stipulations that help make healthcare affordable. The bottom line, with this all Americans will eventually have healthcare (or pay not to have it), which should create a healthier country, and more jobs in the healthcare field, especially doctors.
Here's a link to a more detailed video. I couldn't embed this one on my phone.
Same Sex Marriage Contradicts Christianity: Debunking My Last Blog
Today, Christians are not bound to sin thanks to Christ, which is the new covenant. That does not mean that we completely abandon God's word that was sent under Moses law in the old covenant. We still worship the exact same God, whom I'm pretty sure still doesn't like the exact same things that he didn't like before. So for example, if you read in the old testament that "mankind shouldn't lie with mankind, as thy lay with womankind," it doesn't mean you disobey it because it's old, it means if you do it you're still sinning; but luckily for you, Jesus washed your sins away so you won't go to hell for it. Consequence does come in exchange for sin, the consequence just doesn't come in the form of hell fire or death anymore... under the condition that you accept Jesus as your savior.
The point is, the entire bible is holy and is the word of God. It is to be used for good intent and not for convicting other people. Now, the "pro-gays" have one thing right: "you can't choose to follow some biblical rules and neglect the others," but you also can't call yourself a christian and deliberately disobey God just because you won't die or go to hell for it. Jesus did not change any laws, nor did he tell us not to follow them.
Sorry I was too lazy to put references to support my blog this time. For more on this topic, just Google "why Christians should read the old testament" and it will show you tons of information with references so that you can check your bible for yourself.
If You Are a "Modern Day Christian," The Bible Dosen't Forbid Gays
I found this article at the link posted below this paragraph, and it really gave me a different view on the gay marriage issue. Now, I'm still not "pro-gay," but I now have to at least consider the argument. I have a list of things the Bible bans, but we Christians do everyday. If you want to just get to the point of listing all these things, skip to the last 2 paragraphs at the bottom to see how this relates to homosexuals being ok in Christianity. Oh yeah I posted this blog on my phone, so excuse the appearance if it looks rough.
Read the full article here.
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway - 11Points.com
1) Round haircuts. - See you in Hell, Beatles... and/or kids with bowl cuts, surfer cuts or (my favorite) butt cuts. Leviticus 19:27 reads "You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard."
2) Football. - At least, the pure version of football, where you play with a pigskin. The modern synthetic footballs are ugly and slippery anyways. Leviticus 11:8, which is discussing pigs, reads "You shall not eat of their flesh nor touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you."
3) Fortune telling. - Before you call a 900 number (do people still call 900 numbers, by the way?), read your horoscope or crack open a fortune cookie, realize you're in huge trouble if you do. Leviticus 19:31 reads "Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God." The penalty for that? Check Leviticus 20:6: "As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people."
4) Pulling out. - The Bible doesn't get too much into birth control... it's clearly pro-populating but, back when it was written, no one really anticipated the condom or the sponge, so those don't get specific bans. But... pulling out does. One of the most famous sexual-oriented Bible verses... the one that's used as anti-masturbation rhetoric... is actually anti-pulling out.
It's Genesis 38:9-10: "Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother's wife, he wasted his seed on the ground in order not to give offspring to his brother. But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also."
Yep -- pull out and get smote. That's harsh.
5) Tattoos. - No tattoos. Leviticus 19:28 reads, "You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord."
Not even a little butterfly on your ankle. Or Thug Life across your abdomen. Or even, fittingly enough, a cross.
6) Polyester, or any other fabric blends. The Bible doesn't want you to wear polyester. Not just because it looks cheap. It's sinfully unnatural.
Leviticus 19:19 reads, "You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together."
Check the tag on your shirt right now. Didn't realize you were mid-sin at this exact second, did you? (Unless you checked the tag by rolling off your neighbor's wife while you two were having anal sex in the middle of robbing a blind guy. Then your Lycra-spandex blend is really the least of your problems.)
7) Divorce. - The Bible is very clear on this one: No divorcing. You can't do it. Because when you marry someone, according to Mark 10:8, you "are no longer two, but one flesh." And, Mark 10:9 reads, "What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."
Mark gets even more hardcore about it a few verses later, in Mark 10:11-12, "And He said to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her; and if she herself divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery.'"
8) Letting people without testicles into church. - Whether you've been castrated or lost one or two balls to cancer isn't important. The Bible doesn't get that specific. It just says you can't pray.
Deuteronomy 23:1 reads (this is the God's Word translation, which spells it out better), "A man whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off may never join the assembly of the Lord."
Oh, and the next verse says that if you're a bastard, the child of a bastard... or even have a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchild of a bastard, you can't come to church or synagogue either. Deuteronomy 23:2 reads, "No one of illegitimate birth shall enter the assembly of the Lord; none of his descendants, even to the tenth generation, shall enter the assembly of the Lord."
9) Wearing gold. - 1 Timothy 2:9 doesn't like your gold necklace at all. Or your pearl necklace. Or any clothes you're wearing that you didn't get from Forever 21, Old Navy or H&M.
"Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments."
10) Lobster, shrimp and clam chowder: All banned. Shellfish. - Leviticus 11:10 reads, "But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you." And shellfish is right in that wheelhouse.
Leviticus 11 bans a TON of animals from being eaten (it's THE basis for Kosher law); beyond shellfish and pig, it also says you can't eat camel, rock badger, rabbit, eagle, vulture, buzzard, falcon, raven, crow, ostrich, owl, seagull, hawk, pelican, stork, heron, bat, winged insects that walk on four legs unless they have joints to jump with like grasshoppers (?), bear, mole, mouse, lizard, gecko, crocodile, chameleon and snail.
Sorry if that totally ruins your plans to go to a rock badger eat-off this weekend.
11) Your wife defending your life in a fight by grabbing your attacker's genitals. - No joke. Deuteronomy actually devotes two verses to this exact scenario: Deuteronomy 25:11-12.
"If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him,and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity."
That's impossible to misinterpret. Ladies, if your husband is getting mugged, make sure to kick the mugger in the pills. Do not do the grip and squeeze (no matter what "Miss Congeniality" might advise). Or your hand needs to be cut off.
As a final note, I know that nine of these 11 cite the Old Testament, which Christianity doesn't necessarily adhere to as law.
To which I say: If you're going to ignore the section of Leviticus that bans about tattoos, pork, shellfish, round haircuts, polyester and football, how can you possibly turn around and quote Leviticus 18:22 ("You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.") as irrefutable law?
But that's me trying to introduce logic to religious fanaticism (or, at least, trying to counter some mix of ignorance, bigotry and narcissism with logic). And I should probably know better.
Mercury Fillings Can Lead to Multiple Health Problems
If you dont feel like reading the whole thing just read what I highlighted in red.
Are Mercury Fillings Safe?
By Dr. Jean-Jacques Dugoua on 04/28/2009
Mercury amalgams (fillings) have been a hot topic of discussion in the past few years. There seems to be two extremely opposite viewpoints: one maintains that mercury amalgams are toxic and lead to an array of health problems, while the other maintains that mercury amalgams are safe and any associated side effects are incidental.
The debate on the safety of amalgams has been going on since they were first introduced in the United States in 1833. In Germany, dentists who installed mercury amalgams were once called “quacks” since amalgams were called “quacksilber”. In 1926, a German physician named Dr. Alfred Stock demonstrated that mercuryvapor escaped from fillings and that this vapor could lead to serious health problems. This finding, however, was discounted for decades. The debate raged on into the 20th century, until in 1986 theAmerican Dental Association (ADA) publicly admitted that mercury vapor does escape from amalgams into the patient’s mouth.
Mercury amalgams are used in dentistry to repair cavities before they can deepen and lead to infection or death of the tooth. Amalgams usually contain a mixture of mercury, silver, copper, tin and zinc. When a mercury amalgam is removed from the mouth, it is considered hazardous waste, and strict governmental regulations are applied to its storage, handling and disposal. Dentists and dental technicians must take a number of safety precautions when installing and removing mercury amalgams for their health and safety.
It is estimated that the average mercury filling contains approximately 1,000 mg of mercury, while a fourfoot fluorescent bulb, which is considered hazardous waste when expired, contains approximately 22 mg of mercury.
Mercury is one of the most toxic metals—more toxic than lead. Historically, the expression “mad as a hatter” referred to mercury poisoning developed by hatters due to their exposure to mercuric chloride when making hats. The hatters would often develop mental illness as a result of high mercury exposure. In October 1998, all over-the-counter products containing mercury in the United States were removed from the shelves because their safety could not be proven.
Based on current scientific literature and manufacturer warnings, mercury amalgams may be far from safe. Studies have shown that mercury from fillings may leach into the gums or saliva due to acidity of the mouth. Amalgams also generate an electromagnetic field which can create currents within the mouth and lead to various health problems; this condition is known as galvanism. One of the world’s largest amalgam manufacturers lists the following potential side effects of mercury amalgams:
•• Skin, eye, respiratory tract and mucous membrane irritation
•• Kidney toxicity
•• Nerve toxicity
•• Skin and lung sensitization
•• A temporary increase in blood and urine mercury concentration after installation or removal of amalgams
•• Galvanic effect (galvanism) if placed near other amalgams
The same manufacturer also listed the following contraindications (any condition or disease where a treatment, drug or product should not be used) for the installation of mercury amalgams:
•• Pregnant women
•• Children aged 6 years or younger
•• Severe kidney disease
•• Near other amalgams of dissimilar metal composition
•• Known allergies to amalgams
Studies have shown that the number of mercury amalgams a person has directly correlates to the amount of mercury in the brain. Mercury toxicity has been associated with a number of health concerns, including memory loss, chronic bad breath, gingivitis, irregular heartbeat, allergies, asthma, chronic headaches, kidney damage, anemia, fatigue, joint pain and many others. Prenatal mercury exposure may lead to developmental problems in children, such as motor function disorders, and language and memory difficulties. Mercury is also a concern in breast-feeding mothers, since mercury may cross into the breast milk
Jay-z and Warren Buffet Forbes Interview
This is part one of five. Click the video to watch on youtube and see the full series.
What Are We Really Eating?
Genetic engineering enables scientists to create plants, animals and micro-organisms by manipulating genes in a way that does not occur naturally. These genetically modified organisms can spread through nature and interbreed with natural organisms, thereby contaminating non ‘GE’ environments and future generations in an unforeseeable and uncontrollable way. Their release is ‘genetic pollution’ and is a major threat because GMOs cannot be recalled once released into the environment. The big issue for me is that by not fighting for our right to know – and the way we can fight is to actively avoid GMO foods by only buying USDA certified organic food. By not casting our vote for clean/safe food, we risk losing our freedom. The mega seed companies have modified and patented their GMO seeds, which basically means that they’re patenting our life source. Watch this video by one of my heroes, Shiva Vandana, who is a huge environmental activist, she eloquently, if not poetically, explains the real problems inherent in GMO food: Read more:
7'5'' Mamadou Ndiaye High School Basketball Player
Something for the Soul: Marvin Gay "What's Happening Brother"
Random Thoughts on Life Today
Good Morning. I treated myself to breakfast this morning, I was going to Golden Corral but I changed my mind and went to a small "mom & pop" waffle spot because I like to support the small guys to show appreciation for people supporting my small businesses.
While sitting there though, I started to remind myself of the simple things in life. I have been feeling very stressed lately, but now that I think of how blessed I am, and the opportunities I have available, I'm reincarnated and motivated again.
Basically, I just want to remind you to be grateful for everything you have because it could be worse, and for some of us it has been worse... a lot worse. Stay blessed!