
What Are We Really Eating?

Is GMO Food Dangerous? Blog Of The Week Wednesday, June 01, 2011 ShareThis.Sophie Uliano, A Simply Gorgeous Life: Genetically Modified food (AKA GMO food,) really annoys me, especially in this country where we increasingly have a hard time telling whether we’re eating GMO foods or not, because of commercial interests. Unlike Europe, food labels in the US are not required to be honest about whether or not they use food from manipulated seeds. Huh? So they’re telling me that I don’t have a right to know what I’m eating? I think we all have the right to know, especially with a giant global food experiment, which by the way, is still an experiment because the effects of eating these foods has not been adequately tested for it’s effects on human health. Guess what? It’s now estimated that almost 75% of all processed food in the U.S. is genetically modified. So walk through the aisles of a sterile mega mart and that’s what you’re dealing with. I’d rather scrub mud off my Farm-Fresh-To-You veggies all day long, than subsist on a diet of foods that have been manipulated by Cargill or Monsanto.

Genetic engineering enables scientists to create plants, animals and micro-organisms by manipulating genes in a way that does not occur naturally. These genetically modified organisms can spread through nature and interbreed with natural organisms, thereby contaminating non ‘GE’ environments and future generations in an unforeseeable and uncontrollable way. Their release is ‘genetic pollution’ and is a major threat because GMOs cannot be recalled once released into the environment. The big issue for me is that by not fighting for our right to know – and the way we can fight is to actively avoid GMO foods by only buying USDA certified organic food. By not casting our vote for clean/safe food, we risk losing our freedom. The mega seed companies have modified and patented their GMO seeds, which basically means that they’re patenting our life source. Watch this video by one of my heroes, Shiva Vandana, who is a huge environmental activist, she eloquently, if not poetically, explains the real problems inherent in GMO food: Read more:

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