
Same Sex Marriage Contradicts Christianity: Debunking My Last Blog

Today, Christians are not bound to sin thanks to Christ, which is the new covenant. That does not mean that we completely abandon God's word that was sent under Moses law in the old covenant. We still worship the exact same God, whom I'm pretty sure still doesn't like the exact same things that he didn't like before. So for example, if you read in the old testament that "mankind shouldn't lie with mankind, as thy lay with womankind," it doesn't mean you disobey it because it's old, it means if you do it you're still sinning; but luckily for you, Jesus washed your sins away so you won't go to hell for it. Consequence does come in exchange for sin, the consequence just doesn't come in the form of hell fire or death anymore... under the condition that you accept Jesus as your savior.

The point is, the entire bible is holy and is the word of God. It is to be used for good intent and not for convicting other people. Now, the "pro-gays" have one thing right: "you can't choose to follow some biblical rules and neglect the others," but you also can't call yourself a christian and deliberately disobey God just because you won't die or go to hell for it. Jesus did not change any laws, nor did he tell us not to follow them.

Sorry I was too lazy to put references to support my blog this time. For more on this topic, just Google "why Christians should read the old testament" and it will show you tons of information with references so that you can check your bible for yourself.

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